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Whistleblower channel for Komplett Group


At Komplett Group, we are committed to conducting our business with integrity and in compliance with ethical standards. We understand the importance of transparency and accountability, not only within our operations but also in our interactions with customers and the wider community.

To uphold these values, we have established an external Whistleblower channel that allows both suppliers, employees, and customers to report any concerns or irregularities.

We encourage you to use the Whistleblower channel if you observe actions or behaviors that you believe are unethical or in violation of our policies or the law. Your courage in speaking up is crucial in helping us maintain our ethical standards and rectify any wrongdoing.

Kindly note that complaints regarding our products or services are not considered whistleblowing matters. We encourage customers to use our customer service channels for prompt assistance with such issues.

Key features of our Whistleblower channel:

  • Anonymity: Your privacy matters to us. You have the option to report concerns anonymously. We ensure that all reports are treated confidentially, with respect taken to protect your identity if you choose not to disclose it.
  • Accessibility: Our Whistleblower channel is managed by an independent third party. The service is accessible 24/7 via our website, enabling you to report concerns at your convenience.
  • Follow-Up: Every report received through the Whistleblower channel is taken seriously. They are thoroughly investigated, and appropriate actions are taken based on the findings. We are committed to resolving any issues that are brought to our attention. 

For more information on how to use the Whistleblower channel, or to submit a report, please visit our Whistleblowing Centre, or copy/paste the following link to your browser: